The Levity Life Global Outreach Initiative is another unity component of the LLC. We intend to extend all of our pursuits in a way that is supportive in a global environment. We are based in the United States, however we also recognize that we are apart of a global community. We will continue to do business in a interwoven global economy. It is our belief that we are more connected to the people of this world than we are disconnected by distance and land space. All of our endeavors should compliment a positive productive and healthy lifestyle for all of the people that share a similar outlook and believe that we are of One People. While traveling and meeting with individuals from different countries and social backgrounds; it has been discovered that we from Levity Life and those others we meet share the same ideas of positive interaction and the pursuit of similar ambitions and goals. Clean water to drink, a future filled with prosperity for the next generation, and our combined love of discovery accentuate more of our similarities than our differences. People in the holistic health and wellness communities are a prime example of the interconnectedness we share. We see it all the time, and it is with this thought process that we use to reach out and connect with the world. We wish for everyone connected with Levity Life LLC, and The Madworkshop to take a moment to be grateful. We express gratitude for the opportunities presented and support initiatives that encourage the one world, One People approach to everything we do and to the people around us.
Global Outreach Initiative
Donations to the Initiative or for more Information can be sent to:
PayPal -
Venmo - Joseph Moore @Joseph-Moore-169
Global Outreach Initiative
Cultural Awareness Exchange
Mutual Global Marketing & Social Awareness
-Our efforts have reached 15 countries:
France Italy Indonesia Japan Mexico
Honduras Netherlands Portugal Spain Greece Ireland
Liechtenstein Denmark Sweden England
-15 different states in the U.S.
Arizona Delaware Colorado California Illinois
Florida Georgia New York New Jersey Maryland Virginia Pennsylvania Texas Utah Washington(State)
Local Community Out Reach
Autism Awareness with Autism of Delaware
Georgetown Girls and Boys Clubs
Youth Development Initiative
Healthy Lifestyle Choices through Qigong
Outdoor & Social Networking
Community Involvement Events